Herb runs earn an average income of 2-4m per hour, but with the disadvantage that you can only do 6 minutes of it at every 2 hours or RS gold so. It's a great opportunity to unwind from what you're working on like proving a skill, or to kick off or end your session of RS. If you're interested in time at above 4 minutes per hour Do not cultivate Herbs.
The intention behind Herb runs is to Herb run is to travel at the quickest speed possible to all the Herb patches that are available , and harvest herbs to market for cash and then replant the seeds to reap later. With the most efficient equipment and all five patches, it is possible to complete a run in just under 6 minutes beginning the timer after you have teleported to Trollheim and ending when the patches have been harvested and replanted, and all tools remain in the storage area.
It is possible to replace the Ardougne Cloak 4 can be replaced with either Ardougne Cloak 2 or 3 But these Cloaks can only utilize the Farm patch only once per day. If you want to, you can use Teleport into North Ardougne (must unlock at Livid Farm) but that will take you a considerable distance away from the farming patches. Teleport to Catherby is a possibility to replace it with a Teleport to Camelot or the Camelot tab. There is no buy OSRS gold Trollheim patch. Trollheim Patch cannot be diseased/die. Magic Secateurs are optional but boost Herb yield.